Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What we want...

Taking a look back through our posts and comments, emails, and conversations, I think we're moving toward a more solid idea of what we'd like to end up with.
  • A combination of different electronic resources on one page: databases, website links, eBooks, Ask-a-Librarian, Live Homework Help, etc.
  • Resources grouped by subject area would include databases and carefully selected websites.
  • In-depth information about a few select topics, e.g. Loudoun County/Virginia, ESL, Reading, and others to be determined. Could include static booklists or RSS feeds of new materials on the subject, and saved Infotrac searches as well as databases and websites.
  • Seasonal special topics, such as back-to-school, gardening, Black History Month, etc.
  • The ability to explore resources by subject area or type of resources, as at Worthington Library.
  • The page should be arranged to allow access without having to click through many pages. Flash, mouseovers, and/or dropdowns would help.
  • Links to public blogs and wikis
  • Screencast and video tutorials
Anything to add, subtract, modify, argue?


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Princeton Public Library

Princeton Public Library's recommended websites -- another one to add to our portfolio.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Library of the Year's Online Library

What do you think of this.

I like the Virtual Reference Room concept(GVRL titles in there) and the Business section. I also like their terminology. It is understandable.